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Live Inspired: with Melissa Bergsteinsson

Melissa Bergsteinsson
First Grade Teacher

Tell us about yourself and what you're passionate about. 

I am a first grade teacher in the Bay Area and a new mom. I absolutely love teaching and being around my students. Their passion and love for learning are everything to me. I also am extremely passionate about being a mom. It’s been such a change and truly the most amazing experience in the entire world. Every time I look at my son I am reminded of how wonderful the world is.

What's your mantra? 
My mantra is: You are enough. I remind myself of this every day.

Favorite book (current or all time)?
My favorite book of all time is Educated. It’s an inspiring story of the power of education.

How do you live inspired? 
I live inspired simply by looking at my son and talking with my students. It’s amazing how much little kids can make you think, challenge yourself, and make you a better person. They are a constant reminder of all I was meant to do in this world.

What is one tip or advice you would give our community to help them live an inspired life? 
You can do anything you set your mind too. No matter how hard it might seem in the moment, you can do it. Don’t let fear of the unknown stop you from doing incredible things.