Live Inspired: with Tara Bie

Tara Bie

Tell us about yourself and what you're passionate about.

My name is Tara, I’m 18 years old, and I live with multiple chronic illnesses. Most of my life I was relatively healthy and went around wearing a “crown of health” without even knowing it. That all changed the summer going into my senior year of high school when I was diagnosed with POTS - Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome. If you were to ask me what I was passionate about before discovering the chronic illness world, I probably would’ve given some short answer about doing whatever makes me happy. Although I still do agree and want to be happy, my true passion is spreading awareness on chronic illnesses. Most of all, I’m passionate about love, support and reminding others that you are not alone in your fight.

What's your mantra? 

“The rain will end.” These four words have reminded me during some of the hardest times that a rainbow is coming, storms always pass, and rain doesn’t last forever. Even if it’s just small moments of sunshine, those are worth fighting for and that is what I live by.

Favorite book (current or all time)? 

My current favorite book would have to be Daisy Jones & The Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid.

How do you live inspired? 

Inspiration for me comes in all different forms, and my goal is to capture it and not let it go. I can confidently say grabbing opportunities as they come has allowed me to live a more inspired life and drives me to continue to set goals for myself.

What is one tip or advice you would give our community to help them live an inspired life? 

Throughout my life, especially during my chronic illness journey, I found myself living for other people. I would do things for the sole purpose of knowing it would please them. I can truly say I only started to love myself, despite all my flaws and illnesses, when I started living for myself. Now don’t get me wrong - this is not easy to do and there are days where I still struggle. I’m in the process of learning that each day you get to start completely over; you can be whoever you want to be, and you can dress however you want to dress. Find something that sparks a light in you. Your life starts when you press go and never look back.